Part-time leadership
Online or classroom workshop
Program description
How do I lead a team if members of the team work part-time or if I myself work part-time as a manager or project leader? Which models exist and prove themselves and what do I have to pay attention to so that it works well in everyday life?
In this interactive workshop you are guaranteed to broaden your horizons. You will receive input on team development and your role as a leader and exchange ideas on current issues in small groups in breakout rooms (virtual group rooms). The workshop leader complements and moderates. In this way, you can directly contribute your concrete situation and experiences. The theory/practice transfer is supported and you will be strengthened in your leadership competence.
Requirements for participation: Interest in active exchange. Willingness to turn on the camera and become part of the workshop group. You can be a beginner or a professional.
Target group
Ideal for companies, associations or education providers - interactively designed.
Minimum 3 people, maximum 20.
Leaders or professionals reflecting on how they would like to lead a team in the future:
You are already leading your team part-time and would like to share ideas and get new input on leadership style.
You are planning to reduce your workload and want to know what tips and tricks others can give you for part-time leadership.
You can imagine yourself in a leadership position, but would like to know more about what might be involved.
Duration: 90 minutes
Price: on request
Language: German or English
Workshop objectives
You learn what challenges there are in part-time leadership and how you can meet them.
You actively exchange ideas with peers and can use them as a sounding board.
You reflect on your leadership style and strengthen your leadership skills.
Current online seminar about the topic (half-day and in German):
Führen in Teilzeit - Kaufmännischer Verband (kfmv-seminare.ch)
Why 3C Keller?
Monika has led lateral and vertical teams for over 10 years. A former team leader and certified senior project manager for strategic projects at an international services company, she worked part-time to better balance work and family. Her project teams and peers sat in various locations in Switzerland, but also around the world.
As a trained mediator, adult educator, mental fitness coach (CPQC) and project management professional, she helps you to create a plan and define the first steps on your way. If you want, she will also accompany you on your way in the longer term, so that you stay safely on course and learn to deal even better with stumbling blocks and reach your goals. Together we are strong!