The Vision Factory
Consulting | Coaching | Communication
"Together we are strong!
Empowering people and organizations to turn ideas into reality.
That is my passion."
3C Keller
I, Monika Keller, owner of 3C Keller, love to listen to people in difficult situations and accompany them to find solutions for their situation.
Since the end of 2019 I have my own consulting, coaching and training company, 3C Keller. I help individuals and companies to find new perspectives in deadlocked situations and to bring about a cultural change in companies. My heart topics are New Work, New Leadership and work-life balance challenges.
Working at eye level is important to me. I create transparency, challenge you and accompany you on your way to a self-determined future.
It is important to me to get to know the needs of my customers comprehensively and to understand them holistically. You therefore receive customized solutions that have a long-term and sustainable effect.
The 3Cs stand for Consulting, Coaching and Communication. A unique mix that has proven itself over many years of supporting employees and clients.
Especially managers, specialists and project leaders in office jobs can benefit from my broad wealth of experience. As a working mother, I know the situation of people who have to reconcile different needs and experience headwinds. I help you find options, alternatives and am available for feedback on your situation around work-life-balance or difficult situations at work.
Get to know me, e.g. during an online workshop, a day course or a 30-minute get-to-know-you meeting.
Find your work life balance
For whichever area you work in: I know my way around projects and resistance and have seen many things. So you can ask me anything you've wanted to ask someone for a long time, so that you too can make your idea fly, professionally or privately. As a federally certified trainer and adult educator, I can develop inspiring training concepts and operational mentoring programs for you or work with you on your personal vision. As a mediator and coach, I accompany you and help you build lasting relationships and solve conflict. In doing so, I leverage the benefit of my many years of intercultural experience.
Change Management
Reorganizations, digitalization, cultural change... How do you implement change without losing employees and clients? I have brought many change projects to a successful conclusion as a highly experienced strategic project manager. For example, I have onboarded new service teams and changed the production systems at the new parent company.
I am well versed in the opportunities and risks of change processes. Do you want support with your needs assessment, forming your project and risk management plans or moderating change process workshops?
Stakeholder Management
Do you want your clients and employees to support your project or is your plan to convince your employer to introduce new working models? As a former manager in the services sector, I have first-hand experience in attaining buy-in from teams, supervisors and clients. I coach you or your teams in conducting discussions. I also support you in analysing stakeholders and drawing up a communication plan. Role play is another helpful way of fine-tuning communication to really get your message across. Have you thought of everything?

Monika Keller, Owner
About me:
"I was living New Work before the term even existed."
25 years of experience in the services sector.
Over 15 years of experience in language services, including in strategic positions.
Experienced co-lead and relationship designer.
External lecturer at ZHAW Winterthur.
Mentor for PMI Switzerland.
Passionate inventor of ways to reconcile work and family life.
Excerpt training and further education:
Federally certified business professional (commercial apprenticeship)
Qualified translator FH (de/en/fr)
Project management professional (PMP/CAS)
Mediator (inmedio)
Certified adult educator (SVEB 1 - 5)
Federally certified trainer & coach (eidg. Ausbilderin FA)
Mental fitness coach (Shirzad Chamine, ICF accredited)
Prosci® Certified Change Practitioner
I can provide advice, coaching or strengthen your communication.
I offer one-on-one and group coaching, blended learning seminars, further training in the classroom or
online (de/en).
Customer testimonials
Catherine D,
Translator and Language Manager
"Thanks to working with Monika, I was able to take a distance from my situation (personal and professional) and have a bird's eye view of it. Suddenly I realized that there are solutions and new possibilities and I saw exciting perspectives. After each coaching session with Monika, I feel that I can make a difference myself and that I am not at the mercy of circumstances. I am full of hope and drive."
Cristina Floris,
Team Leader Italian Language Services, Swiss Life AG, Zurich
"Monika is a talented teacher with a rare combination of expertise, enthusiasm and patience! I am happy to have attended the course in Project and Risk Management for LSPs at ZHAW with Monika. She is a coach who is not only interested in the direct outcome of the course, but also in the professional development of her students. I can recommend Monika for courses, workshops and coaching, both online and in person, and have benefited greatly from her experience."
Andrea Thomas-Spengler,
Head Continuous Education Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
"Monika has developed a didactic concept for a new continuing education course at the ZHAW Institute of Translation and Interpreting that focuses specifically on the coordination of face-to-face and online elements. Monika was very circumspect in developing the concept, did extensive research and was very well oriented to the given framework and needs. The result is a didactically mature and inspiring concept that could be implemented in a very concrete way. One point that is central to us - namely the practical transfer of what has been learned and the direct benefit for the participants of the further training - can be directly implemented with the help of the concept. The further training course based on the concept should start soon and we are looking forward to seeing the direct benefits for the participants. I can highly recommend Monika for the development of didactic concepts."
Hanna Wolf,
Equal! – The Office of Equal Opportunities and Diversity at ETH Zurich
"Monika has developed and conducted an online workshop for Equal!-Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity at ETH Zurich on the topic of "Sharing is Caring - How to share the load of paid and unpaid work on an equal footing". It was important to us that the participants have the opportunity to actively participate and exchange ideas with each other so that they can also work out solutions themselves. Due to the Covid19 situation, the workshop took place online. It was fully booked within a few minutes. This shows how relevant the topic is. Monika gave insights into the everyday life of some couples and was thus able to immediately show the challenges of the different family models based on real practical cases. She gave the participants professional advice and led them to a broadening of their horizons with many "aha moments". We would be happy to offer the workshop another time for our staff."